Mission and Vision
Our Global Mission
JA inspires and prepares young people for success in the global economy.
Our Bulgarian Vision
From entrepreneurial people to a happy nation!
Established in 1997, JA Bulgaria is a leading organization with established reputation in supplying innovative and modern education from an early age up to university. Our portfolio of educational products and services includes programs in three fields: entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and work skills.
JA uses a progressive educational model, i.e. building upon previous levels, one that we call ‘from ABC to PhD.’ It builds sustainably the key skills of enterprise and initiative. JA’s educational philosophy is based on learning by doing and blended learning, using digitized interactive content.
Our business model is marked by a close cooperation with businesses and practitioners. They participate in the creation and delivery of educational content, training and services, as well as the development of policies in the field of entrepreneurial education.
JA Bulgaria is a member of JA Worldwide and JA Europe, and reaches over 30,000 students annually in the country.
JA Bulgaria offers:
• Original or adapted educational materials in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and work skills.
• Licensed textbooks on the subject of Technology and Entrepreneurship, developed jointly with Klett publishing.
• Academic programs training for developing the qualifications of pedagogical professionals.
• Methodology support for the partner schools network.
• Contests, tournaments, and training for students.
The young people who participate in JA programs demonstrate deeper understanding of the terms and basic principles of economics and business, as well as practical skills for their application in life. They find much easier realization on the labor market, start much more successful businesses, and receive higher pay compared to their peers who don’t receive this education.
At a chance meeting in Prague in 1995, Czech entrepreneur Tomas Bata enthusiastically speaks of Junior Achievement to Bulgarian philanthropist Dimi Panitza. Mr. Panitza, at the time Managing Editor of Readers Digest, gets in touch with JA headquarters in the US. Within a few weeks he received the go-ahead to establish a branch of the organization in Bulgaria.
On February 5, 1997, JA Bulgaria is officially registered as a NGO and member of JA International in Colorado Springs, USA. Ten Peace Corps. volunteers start training in JA programs in Bulgaria.
At the beginning of 1998, Milena Stoycheva is appointed CEO and remains in that position until appointed Minister of Innovation and Growth of Bulgaria in 2023. Starting her tenure with $100 in the organization’s bank account, Ms. Stoycheva succeeds with consistency, urge and entrepreneurship to build and position one of the largest and most significant educational organizations in the country. In addition, JA Bulgaria has won many European and global awards for a model organization and innovator within the JA network.